sobota 4. mája 2024

360 degree photo viewer for Windows

 360 degree photo viewer for Windows (64 bit).

You can use Windows "pho360" app for to:

- see 360 degree photos,

- display some basic EXIF ​​meta data,

- locate the position of the 360 degree photo on the raster map or on the google map.

A: Solution with Local Server.

Download free zip file:


Download and unzip on the disk of the computer. Folder "pho360" is created.

Create folder "Pictures" and subfolder in the "Pictures folder" in the same disk where is "pho360". 

Copy your 360 degree photos in the subfolder.

You can copy also your own "map.jpg, map.jgw" raster map in the subfolder.

The name of the raster map has to be map.jpg and the name of the referenced file has to be map.jgw.

You can create more subfolders in the "Picture folder".

You have to run Local Server "mongoose.exe" in the "pho360" folder to see 360 degree photo.

360 degree photo

B: Solution with default 360 image viewer.

Download free zip file:

Download and unzip on the disk of the computer. Folder "ph360" is created.

Create folder "Pictures" and subfolder in the "Pictures folder" in the same disk where is "ph360". 

Copy your 360 degree photos in the subfolder.

You can copy also your own "map.jpg, map.jgw" raster map in the subfolder.

The name of the raster map has to be map.jpg and the name of the referenced file has to be map.jgw.

You can create more subfolders in the "Picture folder".

You need to instal a 360 photo viewer.
For example "Insta360 Player".

Free download is HERE.

Set up this 360 photo viewer as default jpg image viewer.

Set up Insta360 player as default 360 image viewer

360 degree photo

Localization on maps and EXIF ​​data are the same for both solutions.

Location on Google maps

Location on Raster map

How to get 360 degree photos?

1) You can take your own photos with the "360 degree ​​camera". 

I use the Insta360 X3 camera (there is also Insta360 X4).

Look HERE  or  HERE .

2) Download Google Street View 360 Images.

How to do it?

Look HERE.

You need to install "Street View Download 360" for Windows to download Google Street View 360 Images.

Download it


EXIF metadata.

Every photo needs at least basic EXIF ​​metadata.

"360 degree photo viewer" displays this EXIF ​​meta data:





Image width

Image height

Camera model

User Comment

When taking a photo with a camera, the camera writes EXIF ​​metadata to the photo.

EXIF ​​metadata can be edited or written into the photo using a computer program.

You can use "Exif Pilot".

Free download is


360 degree photos can also be viewed on www pages.
For example:


Privacy rules:
The application does not collect any personal information. 
The author of the application is the author of the blog. 
The application is: 
- freely distributable, 
- free of charge, 
- does not contain ads. 
The author allows the link (reference) to the blog to be distributed and shared in any way. 
The author does not allow modifying and changing the program code and its components. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the components of the APK file. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the name of downloaded APK file.


piatok 26. apríla 2024

360 degree video viewer

 360 degree video viewer (vid360 app).

This little app allows you to view 360 degree videos on your android phone or tablet.

Download free apk file:


Android device must have gyroscope and accelerometer sensors.

You can find out whether your Android device contains these sensors using the "Sensors toolbox" application.

You can download "Sensors toolbox"


You can use "vid360" app for to:

- see 360 degree videos,

- display latitude, longitude, user comment data,

- locate the position of the 360 degree video on the raster map or on the google map.

You can see what the application allows in these screenshots:

Create subfolder in the "Movies folder" in the Internal (shared) storage. Copy your 360 degree videos in the subfolder.

You can create more subfolders in the "Movies folder".

You can copy also your own "map.jpg, map.jgw" raster map in the subfolder.

The name of the raster map has to be map.jpg and the name of the referenced file has to be map.jgw.

You can copy also your own "*.mpw" file in the subfolder.

There are latitude, longitude, user comment data.

You can write your own data in the "*.mpw" file.

It is the simple UTF text file. You can use Notepad ++ for edit it.

The line has the following structure:


How to get 360 degree videos?

1) You can take your own videos with the "360 degree ​​camera". 

I use the Insta360 X3 camera (there is also Insta360 X4).

Look HERE  or  HERE .

Check out my short 360 degree video I made with Insta360 X3 camera.

Video 1

2) You can download a 360° YouTube Video.

How to Download a 360° YouTube Video:

- Launch "4K Video Downloader+".

- Copy the link to the 360° YouTube video you want to download.

- Click the Paste Link button in the downloader.

- Select the format, quality, and output folder.

- Click Download.

You need to install "4K Video Downloader+" for Windows to download 360° YouTube Video.

Download it HERE.


In the application, I enabled the use of a custom file ("*.mpw") with three basic metadata:

Latitude, longitude, user comment data.

When making a video using a 360 degree camera, a "gpx" file is also generated.

This "gpx" file can be used to insert map data directly into the video.

Watch my video preview with map data embedded.

Notice how the cursor moves around the maps with the changing position.

Look video HERE.

About the possibility of inserting map data into the video - sometime in the next blog.

360 degree videos can also be viewed on YouTube.

For example:




Privacy rules:
"vid360 app"
The application does not collect any personal information. 
The author of the application is the author of the blog. 
The application is: 
- freely distributable, 
- free of charge, 
- does not contain ads. 
The author allows the link (reference) to the blog to be distributed and shared in any way. 
The author does not allow modifying and changing the program code and its components. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the components of the APK file. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the name of downloaded APK file.

streda 24. apríla 2024

360 degree photo viewer

 360 degree photo viewer (ph360 app).

This little app allows you to view 360 degree photos  on your android phone or tablet.

Download free apk file:

Android device must have gyroscope and accelerometer sensors.

You can find out whether your Android device contains these sensors using the "Sensors toolbox" application.

You can download "Sensors toolbox"

You can use "ph360" app for to:
- see 360 degree photos,
- display some basic EXIF ​​meta data,
- locate the position of the 360 degree photo on the raster map or on the google map.

You can see what the application allows in these screenshots:

Create subfolder in the "Picture folder". Copy your 360 degree photos in the subfolder.
You can copy also your own "map.jpg, map.jgw" raster map in the subfolder.
The name of the raster map has to be map.jpg and the name of the referenced file has to be map.jgw.

You can create more subfolders in the "Picture folder".

How to get 360 degree photos?

1) You can take your own photos with the "360 degree ​​camera". 

I use the Insta360 X3 camera.

Look HERE  or  HERE .

Some of my photos taken with a 360 camera:

2) You can download Google Street View 360 Images.

How to do it?

You need to install "Street View Download 360" for Windows to download Google Street View 360 Images.

EXIF metadata.

Every photo needs at least basic EXIF ​​metadata.
"360 degree photo viewer" displays this EXIF ​​meta data:

Image width
Image length
Camera model
User Comment

When taking a photo with a camera, the camera writes EXIF ​​metadata to the photo.
EXIF ​​metadata can be edited or written into the photo using a computer program.
You can use "Exif Pilot".

Latitude, Longitude, Altitude

Camera model, user comment, datetime

360 degree photos can also be viewed on www pages.

For example:



Privacy rules:
"ph360 app"
The application does not collect any personal information. 
The author of the application is the author of the blog. 
The application is: 
- freely distributable, 
- free of charge, 
- does not contain ads. 
The author allows the link (reference) to the blog to be distributed and shared in any way. 
The author does not allow modifying and changing the program code and its components. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the components of the APK file. 
The author does not allow to modify and change the name of downloaded APK file.

pondelok 29. januára 2024

Android Watch - APP Launcher

APP Launcher for Android Watch.

This is about the Watch with Android OS. 

Not for classic Smartwatch nor Wear OS.

APP Launcher allows you to run 6 applications.
You can assign applications to icons (go to Settings).
You can replace the icons with your own icons.
Icon format: jpg picture, 100px x 100px
Copy your own icon image to: " Android / data / com.ad_app / files / "
Do not change the file name: icon1.jpg .... icon6.jpg
You can change the background color (go to Settings).

- You can use the talking watch - swipe up - down on the display or press the Back button. You can also use the volume buttons on the classic android phone.
- On the display is also:
* 6 icons with associated applications,
* Step counter (if sensor is in the device - if it is not so "x"),
* Battery status,
* Moon phase,
* Notes of the day,
* Also a calendar with the names in Slovak language.

There are the languages: Slovak, English, French, Spanish, Italian.

Tap on "Time" - for settings.
Tap on "Date" - for notes edit.
You can load the notes from the external source or save the notes to the external source.
External source: " Android / data / com.ad_app / files / ".
Notes are edited in the "cin.txx" file.

What is the accuracy of the step counter? It depends on the phone sensor.
What is the accuracy of the the moon phase? I do not know - we will see.
The moon phase works properly from 28,5° to North.

You can use the app also with the classic android phone.

Download free app:

- - - - - - - - -


APP Launcher pre Android hodinky.

Toto je o android hodinkách s operačným systémom Android.

Nie pre klasické Smarthodinky ani nie pre hodinky s Wear OS.

APP Launcher umožňuje spúšťat 6 aplikácií.
Aplikácie môžete priradiť k ikonám (v nastaveniach).
Ikony môžete zameniť za svoje vlastné ikony.
Icon format: jpg picture, 100px x 100px
Nakopírujte vlastný obrázok ikony: " Android / data / com.ad_app / files / "
Nemeňte názov súboru: icon1.jpg .... icon6.jpg
Je možné zmeniť aj farbu pozadia (v nastaveniach).

- Môžete používať hovoriace hodinky - posun prstom hore dole po displeji alebo stlačte Back button. Ak používate aplikáciu na klasickom mobile, použite aj tlačidlá hlasitosti.
Hovoriace hodiny nie sú vo free verzii v slovenčine.
- Na displeji sa zobrazuje aj:
* 6 ikôn s priradenými aplikáciami,
* Počítač krokov (ak zariadenie obsahuje tento senzor - ak nie, tak sa zobrazí "x"),
* Stav nabitia batérie,
* Fázy mesiaca,
* Menný kalendár - iba v slovenčine (nie je vo free verzii),
* Poznámka dňa  (nie je vo free verzii v slovenčine).

Jazyky: Slovenčina, Angličtina, Francúzština, Španielčina, Taliančia.

Kliknite na "Čas" - nastavenia.
Kliknite na "Dátum" - editácia poznámok ku dňu (nie je vo free verzii v slovenčine).
Poznámky môžete načítavať z externého zdroja a ukladať do externého zdroja.
Externý zdroj: "Internal storage / Android / data / com.ad_app / files / files".
Poznámky sú editované v súbore: "cin.txx".

Presnosť počítania krokov závisí od krokového senzora zariadenia.
Aká je presnosť fázy mesiaca? Neviem. Uvidíme.
Fáza mesiaca pracuje dobre od 28,5° na Sever.

Aplikáciu môžete používať aj na normálnom Android telefóne.

Stiahnite aplikáciu vyššie (ako "apk") - kliknite na "Download HERE".

Privacy policy.
This APP is free. 

Pravidlá ochrany súkromia.
Táto aplikácia nezbiera žiadne osobné informácie.
Autorom aplikácie je autor tohoto blogu.


sobota 27. januára 2024

Android Watch - Talking

 Talking Android Watch.

This is about the Watch with Android OS. 

Not for classic Smartwatch nor Wear OS.

- You can use the talking watch - swipe up - down on the display or press the Back button. You can also use the volume buttons on the classic android phone.
- On the display is also:
* Step counter (if sensor is in the device - if it is not so "x"),
* Battery status,
* Biorythm (Physical, Emotional, Intellectual),
* Notes of the day.
* Also a calendar with names in Slovak language.

There are the languages:
Slovak (it is not in the free version),

Font Color:

You can add your own walpaper.
You can open max 3 first walpapers in the free version.
Walpaper format: jpg picture, 320px x 386px
Copy your own image to: "Internal storage / Android / Data / com.Talk_W / files"

Tap on "Time" - for settings.
Tap on "Date" - for notes edit.
You can load the notes from the external source or save the notes to the external source.
External source: "Internal storage / Android / Data / com.Talk_W / files".
Notes are edited in the "cin.txx" file.

What is the accuracy of the step counter? It depends on the phone sensor.
What is the accuracy of the biorhythm and the moon phase? I do not know - we will see.
The moon phase works properly from 28,5° to North.

You can use the app also with the classic android phone.

Download free app:

- - - - - - - - -


Hovoriace Android hodinky.

Toto je o android hodinkách s operačným systémom Android.

Nie pre klasické Smarthodinky ani nie pre hodinky s Wear OS.

- Môžete používať hovoriace hodinky - posun prstom hore dole po displeji alebo stlačte Back button. Ak používate aplikáciu na klasickom mobile, použite aj tlačidlá hlasitosti.
Hovoriace hodiny nie sú vo free verzii v slovenčine.
- Na displeji sa zobrazuje aj:
* Počítač krokov (ak zariadenie obsahuje tento senzor - ak nie, tak sa zobrazí "x"),
* Stav nabitia batérie,
* Biorytmus (Fyzický, Emocionálny, Intelektuálny),
* Menný kalendár - iba v slovenčine (nie je vo free verzii),
* Poznámka dňa  (nie jevo free verzii v slovenčine).


Farba písma:

Môžete vložiť vlastné pozadie.
Vo free verzii môžete otvoriť maximálne 3 prvé pozadia.
Formát obrázku: jpg, 320px x 386px
Nakopírujte vlastný obrázok do: "Internal storage / Android / Data / com.Talk_W / files"

Kliknite na "Čas" - nastavenia.
Kliknite na "Dátum" - editácia poznámok ku dňu (nie je vo free verzii v slovenčine).
Poznámky môžete načítavať z externého zdroja a ukladať do externého zdroja.
Externý zdroj: "Internal storage / Android / Data / com.Talk_W / files".
Poznámky sú editované v súbore: "cin.txx".

Presnosť počítania krokov závisí od krokového senzora zariadenia.
Aká je presnosť biorytmu a fázy mesiaca? Neviem. Uvidíme.
Fáza mesiaca pracuje dobre od 28,5° na Sever.

Aplikáciu môžete používať aj na normálnom Android telefóne.

Stiahnite aplikáciu vyššie (ako "apk") - kliknite na "Download HERE".

Privacy policy.
This APP is free. 

Pravidlá ochrany súkromia.
Táto aplikácia nezbiera žiadne osobné informácie.
Autorom aplikácie je autor tohoto blogu.


Android watch with real android os

 Android watch with real android os.

This is about the Watch with Android OS.
Not for classic Smartwatch nor Wear OS.
They are the Android Phones with the Android OS and they look like a Watch. 
But this Android OS is different than Android OS in the ordinary phones. Not so robust. 
You can insert a SIM card into them and make phone calls.
You can download apps from Google play or install *.apk files.

Input Keyboard.

Because the display is small, SwiftKey keyboard is not wery good - small keys.
It is necessary to use a customized Keyboard.
Some watches already have it pre-installed.

Old keyboard install:
Look Here.

T9 keyboard install:
Look Here.

You can change the keyboard in the "Settings - Inputting method".

Pull down notification screen (panel) while having "GBoard Keyboard" on screen - keyboard selection is done in notification screen.

USB connection.

File Explorer.

Uninstal APK.

Kill all background running APPs.

Some apk_s.


2.02 inch display, 4/128 GB, Android 8.1, 800mAh battery, IP67.
GPS, WIFI, Bluetooth, SIM card slot, Dual Camera.
Sensors: Accelerometer, Light, Step Counter.
Two hardware buttons - power and back.
My Pros:
Just a Watch - they wear well.
You can install apk files or install apps from Google Play.
File transfer between PC and Watch via magnetic USB cable.
File explorer - you can install *.apk files.
File explorer - you can delete, copy, paste files.
You can uninstall apps.
Background running APPs killer.
Power and Back button.
Good loud  speaker.

My Cons:
For small apps not for robust apps
You can choose only 5, 15, 70 sec for display on.
Does not support pinch zoom.
I can not find how to set on Text To Speech.
There is not the sensor of Orientation for calculation of Azimut.
Sometimes slower display response.


1.96 inch display, 4/64 GB, Android 8.1, 1000mAh battery, IP67.
GPS, WIFI, Bluetooth, SIM card slot, Dual Camera.
Sensors: Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Light, Proximity, Gravity.
Two hardware buttons - power and back (scrollable).

My Pros:
Just a Watch - they wear well.
You can install apk files or install apps from Google Play.
Text To Speech.
File transfer between PC and Watch via magnetic USB cable.
File explorer - you can install *.apk files.
File explorer - you can delete, copy, paste files.
You can uninstall apps.
Floating window.
Power and Back (scrollable) button.

My Cons:
For small apps not for robust apps
You can choose only 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 min for display on.
Does not support pinch zoom.
There is not the sensor of Orientation for calculation of Azimut.
Sometimes slower display response.
Weak battery. I doubt he has 1000mAh.

How to keep the last application after the display goes sleep:
Go to Settings -> Acceleration (set ON) -> White list (select of applications that should remain open after the display goes sleep). 


2.02 inch display, 4/64 GB, Android 8.1, 800mAh battery, IP67.
GPS, WIFI, Bluetooth, SIM card slot, Dual Camera.
Sensors: Accelerometer, Light, Step Counter.
Two hardware buttons - power and back.

My Pros:
Just a Watch - they wear well.
You can install apk files or install apps from Google Play.
File transfer between PC and Watch via magnetic USB cable.
File explorer - you can install *.apk files.
File explorer - you can delete, copy, paste files.
You can uninstall apps.
Background running APPs killer.
Power and Back button.
Good loud  speaker.

My Cons:
For small apps not for robust apps
You can choose only 5, 15, 70 sec for display on.
Does not support pinch zoom.
I can not find how to set on Text To Speech.
There is not the sensor of Orientation for calculation of Azimut.
Sometimes slower display response.

* * * * *
Another android watch:

Rainbuvvy DM62


* * * * *
