piatok 12. októbra 2018

TP360BL - android app for mapping with TruPulse rangefinder

TP360BL - android app for mapping with TruPulse rangefinder.

The TruPulse 360B model measures distance, azimuth and inclination.
It has got Bluetooth capabilities for wireless data collection.
Integrates with GPS for efficient GIS data capture.
Provides full measurement capability for mapping.

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TP360BL - android app.

Download  APK:       HERE 

Privacy policy.
"TP360BL" APP uses the GPS only for mapping purpose.
This APP do not send the coordinates to another persons nor devices.

1) Measure horizontal distance (m) and azimut ( 0°-360°) with TruPulse 360b.
2) Transfer data to Android device by Bluetooth.
3) Find out coordinates (WGS84) of the measurment post with Android device and save data as txt and gpx file. Datas are prepared for GIS mapping.

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Tap on the label "TP360B-028552" (1) and write your own TruPulse identification in text box.
Tap again on the label for saving your own TruPulse identification.
You can find TruPulse identification in Android device in Bluetooth settings.
Passkey = 1111
Power ON TruPulse device.
The mode has to be as "SD" mode in TruPulse.
Bluetooth has to be set ON in TruPulse.
Distance measure has to be "meters" in TruPulse.
Tap on "Connect" button (2) and wait for "Status: connected" (3) .
TruPulse will be connected (3) with Android device and GPS (4) in Android device.
It starts working (5) after connection.
Select a target such as a tree .
Look through the eyepiece of TruPulse and use the crosshair to aim to the target.
Press-and-hold the fire button on TruPulse to find out the distance and azimut.
Distance and azimut will are transfered to the Android device (6).
Long tap on the row (6) to delete record.
You can gather 5 points in TP360BL lite version.
Save (8) records with coordinates (WGS84) as txt and gpx file.
You can write your own file name (7) or date file name wil be created (if textbox is blanc).
You can edit (10) the prefix name of the saved points (x ...).
Coordinates of the measurment post, point distance and azimut are saved as txt and gpx file in "TruPulse" folder in the Internal (shared) storage (no micro SD card).
"TruPulse" folder is created when the app is started first time.
Some Android devices have problem to open this folder from desktop PC after connection by USB cable.
Problem solution can be to rename the folder to "TruPulsen" and after that rename it again to "TruPulse" directly in the Android device.

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Bluetooth has to be set ON in TruPulse.

The mode has to be as "SD" mode in TruPulse.
Distance measure has to be "meters" in TruPulse.

You can find TruPulse identification in Android device in Bluetooth settings.
Passkey = 1111

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"Location" has to be "Set On"  (Settings - Location - On).
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Merge gpx files.

You can use GPX Editor or  EasyGPS or G7ToWin to merge GPX files.

Download GPX Editor   HERE  .

Download EasyGPS   HERE  .

Download G7ToWin  HERE  .


You can use "gpx2shp" to convert gpx file to shp files (WGS84).

Download "gpx2shp"  HERE .

You need to download the file  gpx2shp-0.69_win_notest.zip.   Unzip it.
To use the program, you just drag and drop the GPX file on the gpx2shp.exe (executable file).
The output is called [gpxfilename]_wpt.shp (.shx, .dbf, and so on) if the GPX file contains points.
Or use Command Prompt Commands (cmd) .


piatok 6. apríla 2018

ReScope - Bitterlich Relascope for Android

ReScope - Bitterlich Relascope for Android

Basal area (m2/ha) of a tree.

The Android device has to have the sensor of orientation.

Download  APK:       HERE   

Privacy policy
"ReScope" APP uses the back camera only for to the preview of the scene. This APP do not take the picture nor video.


A. Display calibration .

* Tap the button "c" (1).
* Put a ruler on the wall.
* Look at the wall with ruler through the phone   camera (2).
* The range, you can see on the ruler, write in the    textbox    "width mm" (3).
* Measure the distance from back camera to the    ruler on the wall and write it in the textbox   "distance mm" (3).
* Be accurate with the distance and width.
* Tap on "Save" button (4).
* Coefficient (6) will be calculated.
* You can change the coefficient by tapping the    button (5).
   You need to count more trees with less    coefficient.

B. Assign your own species .

* Tap the button "dr" (8) and write your own abbreviations    for tree species.
* Abbreviation is the string and has two characters.
* Save your own abbreviations.

* Tap the label "EN" (7) and change the language.
EN - English.
SK - Slovak.

C. Counting the trees.

* Tap button (9) to open camera window.
* Choose the zoom (10a).
* Tap button (19) - choose the color and the height  of the sight marker (12).
    Long tap button (19) - center the sight marker  (12) on the display.
* Tap the camera window (10b) to change  brightness.
* Tap button (11) and choose the species.
* Tap button (13) to count the tree as 1 or 0.5.

   You can use Volume buttons. Volume Up: add 1  Volume Down: add 1/2.
   Change N_VOLUME to Y_VOLUME in Settings (19)
   or press Volume button.

   You can also try Offline Voice commands (Say "One" : add 1 or  Say "Half" : add 1/2.
   You have to choose species to enable Voice command icon
   and tap the icon to change status to "Y" .
For Offline Voice commands you need to:
1) Choose Language:
Settings - Google - Search, Assistant & Voice - Voice - Languages (choose English (US)).
2) Download language for offline speech (you have to be connected to Internet to download it):
Settings - Google - Search, Assistant & Voice - Voice - Offline speech recognition (instal English (US)).

Long tap button (13) to take off the tree.
   Aim to the DBH 1.3m of the height of the tree.
* Records are added to the list (14).
* Long tap the row (14) to write
   the height (m) , the  DBH diameter (cm) and the notes of the average tree spec.

* Tap button (15) to add the number of the stands.
  Long tap - take off the stand.
* Tap button "sat" to see the GPS status.
* Label (16) - coordinates,slope,azimut.
* Tap button (18) to delete all records.
* Tap button (17) to see the report and save file.

The report is saved as "txt" file and also as "gpx" file in the "ReScope" folder in the Internal (shared) storage (no micro SD card). GPX uses WGS84.
"ReScope" folder is created when the app is started first time.
Some Android devices have problem to open this folder from desktop PC after connection by USB cable.
Problem solution can be to rename the folder to "ReScopen" and after that rename it again to "ReScope" directly in the Android device.

"Location" has to be "Set On"  (Settings - Location - On).

The slope reduction is not calculated if the device has not the sensor of the Orientation.

You can use offline GPX Editor to merge the GPX files.
Download GPX Editor   HERE  .
You can use offline EasyGPS to merge the GPX files.
Download EasyGPS   HERE  .
You can use offline G7ToWin to merge the GPX files.
Download G7ToWin  HERE  .


You can use two ways to make txt and gpx files:


Settings of the sight marker:
Improvement by Zoom :

Improvement by Brightness (temporarily not available):
The zoom of sight marker and the range of the coefficient depends on your Android device hardware.
AGM A8 has got max zoom = 78. Another three devices have got max zoom = 10.

AGM A8 :   4/7 = 2.03
BV6000 :   2/7 = 2.32
VK7000 :   2/7 = 2.18
Doogee S50 :   2/7 = 2.53
Examples of device calibrations .
The best way is to calibrate the display personally.

distance: 590 mm
width: 420 mm

Aligator eXtremo Rx700
distance: 300 mm
width: 300 mm

distance: 445 mm
width: 420 mm

distance: 375 mm
width: 360 mm

distance: 520 mm
width: 360 mm

Blackview BV6000
distance: 460 mm
width: 420 mm

Blackview BV8000 PRO
distance: 380 mm
width: 360 mm

Blackview BV4900 PRO
distance: 535 mm
width: 420 mm

Cubot King Kong 3
distance: 320 mm
width: 300 mm

distance: 410 mm
width: 300 mm

CUBOT Quest Lite
distance: 320 mm
width: 240 mm

distance: 440 mm
width: 420 mm

distance: 350 mm
width: 240 mm

distance: 570 mm
width: 420 mm

distance: 370 mm
width: 360 mm

VKworld VK7000
distance: 290 mm
width: 300 mm

Xiaomi Redmi 4X
distance: 470 mm
width: 300 mm

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X
distance: 495 mm
width: 360 mm

Xiaomi Redmi 9
distance: 440 mm
width: 300 mm

Android device has to have the "sensor of orientation" for to do the slope reduction.
If the "sensor of orientation" is missing, you can use the app, but without the slope reduction.
There will be "no dip" on top right corner of the display.

The devices without the  "sensor of orientation" :

* Ulefone Armor X5 4G
* Ulefone Armor 5
* ioutdoor Polar 3
* Blackview BV4000, 4000 PRO


ReScope - Bitterlich Relascope pre Android

Android prístroj musi mať senzor orientácie vertikálnej a horizontálnej

Stiahni vyššie kliknutím na  HERE .

Pravidlá ochrany súkromia
Táto aplikácia používa zadnú kameru len pre účely preview scény.
Aplikácia nezaznamenáva fotografie ani video.

A. Kalibrácia displeja .

* Kliknite na tlačidlo "c" (1).
* Na stenu vodorovne umiestnite pravítko ... .
* Pozrite cez kamera okno na pravítko, alebo okraje kamera okna zalícujte s objektom na stene (2).
* Šírku pravítka alebo zalícovaného objektu zmerajte a vpíšte do textboxu "width mm" (3).
* Zmerajte vzdialenosť z ktorej ste zameriavali, od zadnej kamery po pravítko alebo objekt na stene a vpíšte do textboxu   "distance mm" (3).
* Pri meraní šírka a vzdialenosti buďte presný a stabilizujte telefón pri meraní.
* Kliknite na tlačidlo "Save" (4).
* Vypočíta sa násobný koeficient (6).
* Po skalibrovaní môžete vybrať koeficient podľa stavu porastu - kliknutím na tlačidlo (5).
   Pri menšom koeficiente treba rátať viac stromov.

B. Zvolte vlastné skratky drevín .

* Kliknite na tlačidlo "dr" (8) a vpíšte vlastné skratky drevín ak nevyhovujú predvolené.
* Skratka je textový dvojznakový reťazec.
* Uložte vlastné skratky drevín.

* Kliknutím na nápis "EN" (7) sa zmení jazyk na "SK".
C. Rátanie stromov.

* Kliknite na tlačidlo (9) a otvorí sa kamerové okno.
* Vyberte zoom (10a).
* Kliknite na tlačidlo (19) a vyberte farbu a výšku zámernej úsečky (12).
   Podržaním tlačidla (19) vycentrujte zámernú úsečku (12) na stred obrazovky.
* Kliknite na kamera okno (10b) ak treba zmeniť jas.
* Kliknite na tlačidlo (11) a vyberte drevinu.
* Kliknite na tlačidlo (13) a zarátavajte stromy ako 1 alebo 0.5.
   Použiť je možné aj tlačidlá hlasitosti. Pridaj hlasitosť +1, zmenši hlasitosť +1/2.
   Treba zmeniť N_HLAS na Y_HLAS v nastaveniach (19) alebo stlačiť tlačidlo hlasitosti.

   Môžete tiež vyskúšať Offline Hlasové zadávanie.
   Povedzte "Cely" : pre 1  alebo "Pol" : pre 1/2.
   Najskôr musíte vybrať drevinu, aby sa objavila ikona hlasového zadávania
   a kliknite na ikonu pre zmenu stavu na  "Y" .
Pre hlasové zadávanie treba:
1) Vybrať jazyk:
Nastavenia - Google - Vyhladavanie, Asistent a Voice - Hlas - Jazyky (vyberte English (US)).
2) Stiahnuť jazykový balík pre offline rozpoznávanie reči (musíte byť pripojený na Internet):
Nastavenia - Google - Vyhladavanie, Asistent a Voice - Hlas - Offline rozpoznávanie reči (nainštalujte English (US)).

   Podržaním tlačidla (13) sa odráta 1 alebo 0.5.
   Mierte do 1.3m výšky stromu.
* Záznamy sa ukladajú do zoznamu (14).
* Podržaním prsta na riadku (14) sa objaví okno kde je možné zadať výšku , priemer d1.3 a poznámku stredného stromu príslušnej dreviny.

* Kliknutím na tlačidlo (15) je možné pridávať počet stanovíšť. Podržaním tlačidla sa odráta stanovište.
* Kliknutím na tlačidlo "sat" sa otvorí GPS status.
* Nápisy (16) - súradnice,sklon,azimut.
* Kliknite na tlačidlo (18) pre vymazanie všetkých záznamov.
* Kliknite na tlačidlo (17) pre zobrazenie výstupu a uloženie súboru.

Výstup sa ukladá ako "txt" súbor súčasne "gpx" súbor do adresára "ReScope" do Interného (zdielaného) úložiska (nie na micro SD kartu).
"ReScope" adresár sa vytvorí po prvom spustení programu.
Niektoré Android prístroje majú problém otvoriť tento adresár zo stolného počítača pripojeného cez USB kábel.
Riešením môže byť premenovanie na "ReScopen" a opätovné premenovanie na "ReScope" priamo v Android prístroji.

"Poloha" musí byť "Zapnuté"  (Nastavenia - Poloha- Zapnuté).



štvrtok 5. apríla 2018

Buzola Instrument for Android

Buzola Instrument for Android

The Android device has to have the sensor of orientation.
* You can use this APP for Compass Angular measuring
from stand location.
* You need to use this APP with the laser rangefinder.
* Coordinates of the measurment post, point distance and azimut are saved as txt and gpx file in "Buzoltxt" folder in the Internal (shared) storage (no micro SD card). GPX uses WGS84.
* You can use these datas for GIS.
* Remember to calibrate compass.

"Location" has to be "Set On"  (Settings - Location - On).

The device has to have the sensor of the Orientation .


* Tap button (1).
* Find out the distance (meters) to the point with the rangefinder
and write it to the textbox (11).
* If the rangefinder mesure the horizontal distance,
then the button (5) will be "--".
* If the rangefinder do not mesure the horizontal distance,
then the button (5) will be "<<" - the horizontal distance
will be calculated.
Type the point name. If blanc then x1,x2 ... .
* Aim the red cross to the point and tap button (4).
* Datas will be added to the list.

* Button (7) change the color of the cross.
* Long tap on the row (6) to delete row.
* Labels (3a) = coordinates of the stand.
* Labels (3b) = GPS infos.
* Buttons (9) = zoom.
* Tap the camera screen (12) to change the brightness.

* Save datas as txt file after to gather datas - tap button (8).
   Datas will be saved to "Buzoltxt" folder in the Internal (shared) storage (no micro SD card)

* Tap button (1) to stop measurement.

- - - -

Download  APP:      HERE

Privacy policy
"Buzola Instrument" APP uses the back camera only for to the preview of the scene. This APP do not take the picture nor video.

Buzola pre Android.
Android prístroj musi mať senzor orientácie vertikálnej a horizontálnej.
* Pred každým spustením aplikácie je vhodné kalibrovať kompas.

"Poloha" musí byť "Zapnuté"  (Nastavenia - Poloha- Zapnuté).
Kliknutím na tlačidlo sa zapne alebo vypne funkcia zobrazenia
sklonu, azimutu (2) a určenia súradníc (3a) stanovišťa z ktorého sa
meria vzdialenosť a azimut.
Sklon a azimut bodu na ktorý mieri stred červeného kríža.
Súradnice stanovišťa z ktorého sa merajú vzdialenosti a azimuty.
Do textového poľa sa vpíše vzdialenosť (v metroch) určená laserovým dialkomerom.
Dialkomerom sa zameria na bod, na ktorý sa bude určovať aj azimut.
Kliknutím na tlačidlo "V" sa uloží vzdialenosť a azimut bodu.
Kliknutím na tlačidlo sa zvolí, či treba prepočet zo šikmej vzdialenosti na
vodorovnú vzdialenosť cez sklon.
"--" ukladá sa vodorovná vzdialenosť (ak dialkomer meria aj vodorovnú vz.).
"<<" ukladá sa vzdialenosť prepočítaná cez sklon zo šikmej vzdialenosti
na vodorovnú vzdialenosť (ak dialkomer meria len šikmú vz.).
Ukladané hodnoty vzdialenosti a azimutu.
Podrž prst na riadku pre vymazanie.
Klikaním sa mení farba stredového kríža (červená, biela, žltá).
Vpíše sa názov súboru a klikne sa na tlačidlo "Ulož" (8)
a súbor sa uloží do adresára "Buzoltxt" na Interné (zdielané) úložisko (nie na SD micro kartu).

* Klikni na kamera okno pre zmenu jasu obrazu.

Stiahnite vyššie kliknutím na HERE.

Pravidlá ochrany súkromia
Táto aplikácia používa zadnú kameru len pre účely preview scény.
Aplikácia nezaznamenáva fotografie ani video.


pondelok 29. januára 2018

Google Earth Pro part 2

Google Earth Pro part 2

Data Import and export .


GPX file from MAPSGO to Google Earth Pro.
GPX súbor z MAPSGO do Google Earth Pro.

Create waypoints and save as GPX file
in MAPSGO for Android.
Trasfer GPX file to the Desktop PC.

Move GPX file with mouse to the Google Earth Pro.

GPX file is in the Google Earth Pro as waypoints.

Look at video :   VideoHERE


Create waypoints in the Google Earth Pro and export them.
Vytvorenie waypointov v Google Earth Pro a ich export.

Add - Mark.

Move the Mark to the right place and add the Name.

Place the Marks.

Save waypoints as.

Save waypoints as Kml.

Kml file convert by "GPX2KML.exe" to the GPX file.

"GPX2KML.exe" download here:      DownloadGPX2KML

You can convert GPX-KML and KML-GPX with "GPX2KML.exe".

Look at video :   VideoHERE


Shp to the Google Earth Pro.
Import Shp do Google Earth Pro.

File - Import (shp)

Import All.

Style template - No (Yes).

Set Style template.

Set colors, background, width of line.

Click the polygon to display data.

Look at video :   VideoHERE

More about to import data look here:     TapHere

