sobota 15. októbra 2011

English Slovak English Poland dictionary for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

English Slovak , English Poland dictionary for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Holux Funtrek 130 is appointet above all to the sportsmens, bikers, hitchhikers as the GPS device.
But you can use also another apps for WinCe Net.
Here are the English Slovak , English Poland dictionaries.

You can download them from this link:

Download DicEnSk for Holux Funtrek 130

Download DicEnPl for Holux Funtrek 130

Unzip the downloaded directory on your Desktop PC.
Connect the Holux Funtrek with the desktop PC by the USB cable (the device must by power ON before the connection).
Copy the app directory to the SD Card (or Storage Card).

Be carefull :
Storage Card is the build Flash memory.
SD Card is the external MicroSD.

The downloaded file is for SD Card instalation.
If you want to instal the dictionary to the build Flash memory please change the "SD Card" to the "Storage Card" in the "DicEnSk.0405.inf" or "DicEnPl.0405.inf" file.
If your language is English please rename the number 0405 to 0409 in the "DicEnSk.0405.inf" or "DicEnPl.0405.inf" file.
Take away the Holux USB cable from Desktop PC safely.
Power On the Holux. There is the icons of the app in the "Applications" icon folder of the Holux.
Click on the icon.

You can append the new words or ammend the dictionary by the Microsoft Word.
There are txt dictionary files in UTF-8 format.

Anglicko Slovenský a Anglicko Polský slovník pre Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Slovník stiahnite z vyššieho linku a nainštalijte podľa vyššie uvedených inštrukcií.
Je to jednoduchý slovník, ktorý používa textový formát slovníka.
Práca so slovníkom je jednoduchá. Okrem prekladu naeditovaného textu umožňuje aj preklad slovíčka umiestneného v Clipboarde.
Slovníky sú s diakritikou (háčky a čárky).


piatok 7. októbra 2011

Excel, Word, PowerPoint Viewers for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Excel, Word, PowerPoint Viewers for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Holux Funtrek 130 is appointet above all to the sportsmens, bikers, hitchhikers as the GPS device.
But you can use also another apps for WinCe Net.
Here are Excel, Word, PowerPoint Viewers.

You can download them from this link:

Download FileViewers for Holux Funtrek 130

Unzip the downloaded directory on your Desktop PC.
Connect the Holux Funtrek with the desktop PC by the USB cable (the device must by power ON before the connection).
Copy the app directory to the SD Card.

Be carefull :
Storage Card is the build Flash memory.
SD Card is the external MicroSD.

This instalation is prepared for SD Card.

If you want to instal the viewers to the internal Storage Card please change the "SD Card" to the "Storage Card" in the "xxx.0405.inf" files.
If your language is English please rename the number 0405 to 0409 in the "xxx.0405.inf" files.
Take away the Holux USB cable from Desktop PC safely.
Power On the Holux. There are the icons of the apps in the "Applications" icon folder of the Holux.
Click on the icon.

Excel, Word, PowerPoint prehliadače pre Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Stiahnite z vyššieho linku a nainštalujte podla vyššie uvedeného návodu.


sobota 1. októbra 2011

Torch for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Torch for Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

A little app for using Holux Funtrek 130 as a torch.
You can regulate the intensity of the light by the right button of the Holux Funtrek 130.

Download the zip file from this download link:

Download TorchCE for Holux Funtrek 130

Be carefull :
Storage Card is the build Flash memory.
SD Card is the external MicroSD.

Unzip the downloaded directory on your Desktop PC.
Connect the Holux Funtrek with the desktop PC by the USB cable (the device must by power ON before the connection).
Copy the app directory to the Storage Card.
If your language is English please rename the number 0405 to 0409 in the "TorchCE.0405.inf" files.
Take away the Holux USB cable from the Desktop PC safely.
Power On the Holux. There will be the icon of the app in the "Applications" icon folder of the Holux.
Click on the app icon.

Baterka pre Holux Funtrek 130 Pro

Malý program, ktorý umožňuje použiť Holux Funtrek 130 ako baterku.
Stiahnite z vyššieho linku a nainštalujte podľa vyššie uvedeného postupu.
