Psy na WinCe Net 6.0.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a adresár nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Download DogsCE
Dogs for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted to the WinCE Net 6.0.
Download the zip file, unzip and copy the directory to your WinCe Net device.
There are three subdirectories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file. You start program by the exe file.
The files of the dogs are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file). You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group .
Then click on the listbox .
Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life" button.
There are only pictures of certain dogs and they are not very big but
you can add your own files.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
streda 27. apríla 2011
Jednoduchá hra na WinCe Net 6.0 - Simple Game for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
Jednoduchá hra na WinCe Net 6.0
Stiahnete na linku:
ShootCEm Download
Rozzipujte a adresár nakopirujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Simple Game for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
You can download from the link above.
Unzip and copy the directory to the WinCe Net tablet.
Start by exe file.
Stiahnete na linku:
ShootCEm Download
Rozzipujte a adresár nakopirujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Simple Game for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
You can download from the link above.
Unzip and copy the directory to the WinCe Net tablet.
Start by exe file.
utorok 26. apríla 2011
7-Zip v9.20 na WinCe Net 6.0 - 7-Zip v9.20 for WinCe Net 6.0
7-Zip v9.20 na WinCe Net 6.0
Program na zipovanie a rozzipovanie súborov stiahnete z linku:
Download 7Zip
Stiahnite adresár z linku a nakopírujte do tabletu.
Spustite cez subor 7zFM.exe.
Program podporuje veľké množstvo formátov.
Pozri tiež:
7-Zip v9.20 for WinCe Net 6.0
Very usefull app for zip and unzip files .
Download from the link above and copy the directory to your WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
Start by 7zFM.exe.
Program support the large amount of the formats.
Program na zipovanie a rozzipovanie súborov stiahnete z linku:
Download 7Zip
Stiahnite adresár z linku a nakopírujte do tabletu.
Spustite cez subor 7zFM.exe.
Program podporuje veľké množstvo formátov.
Pozri tiež:
7-Zip v9.20 for WinCe Net 6.0
Very usefull app for zip and unzip files .
Download from the link above and copy the directory to your WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
Start by 7zFM.exe.
Program support the large amount of the formats.
pondelok 25. apríla 2011
Huby na WinCe Net 6.0 - Fungi for WinCe Net 6.0
Huby na WinCe Net 6.0.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a adresár nakopírujte do
WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Download FungiCE
Fungi for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted to the WinCE Net 6.0.
Download the zip file, unzip and copy the directory to your WinCe Net device.
There are three subdirectories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the fungies are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of Fungi.
Then click on the listbox of the fungies.
Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life" button.
There are only pictures, photos and texts of certain fungies.
You can add your own files.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a adresár nakopírujte do
WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Download FungiCE
Fungi for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted to the WinCE Net 6.0.
Download the zip file, unzip and copy the directory to your WinCe Net device.
There are three subdirectories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the fungies are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of Fungi.
Then click on the listbox of the fungies.
Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life" button.
There are only pictures, photos and texts of certain fungies.
You can add your own files.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
sobota 23. apríla 2011
Hra Míny pre WinCe Net 6.0 - Mine Game for WinCe Net 6.0
Hra Míny pre WinCe Net 6.0
Klasická hra pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor z nasledujúceho linku, rozzipujte a exe súbor nakopírujte do WinCe Net Tabletu.
Download Miner
Mine Game for WinCe Net 6.0
Classical game for WinCe Net 6.0.
Download the zip file from the link above , unzip and copy the exe file to the WinCe Net Tablet.
Klasická hra pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor z nasledujúceho linku, rozzipujte a exe súbor nakopírujte do WinCe Net Tabletu.
Download Miner
Mine Game for WinCe Net 6.0
Classical game for WinCe Net 6.0.
Download the zip file from the link above , unzip and copy the exe file to the WinCe Net Tablet.
Simon klasická elektronická hra - Simon the classic electronic game
Simon - klasická elektronická hra.
Musíte uhádnuť poradie spustených farebných tlačidiel s priradenými zvukmi.
Hru stiahnete s nasledujúceho linku:
Download Simon
Rozzipujte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCe Net Tabletu.
Simon - the classic electronic game.
A free version of the classic electronic game of Simon for WinCe Net 6.0.
Download from the link above. Unzip and copy to the WinCe Net Tablet.
Musíte uhádnuť poradie spustených farebných tlačidiel s priradenými zvukmi.
Hru stiahnete s nasledujúceho linku:
Download Simon
Rozzipujte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCe Net Tabletu.
Simon - the classic electronic game.
A free version of the classic electronic game of Simon for WinCe Net 6.0.
Download from the link above. Unzip and copy to the WinCe Net Tablet.
SCUMM hry na WinCe Net 6.0 - SCUMM games for WinCe Net 6.0
SCUMM pre WinCe Net 6.0
Scumm je program, ktorý umožní spustiť niektoré klasické hry na WinCE Net.
Pre bližšie informácie a pre stiahnutie hier pozrite tieto linky:
Pre WinCe Net 6.0 môžete stianuť Scumm z tohoto linku:
Download SCUMM
Stiahnite, rozzipujte a nakopírujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
SCUMM for WinCe Net 6.0
Look also the screen shots at:
Scumm is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical
point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files.
The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped
with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were
never designed!
ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such
as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's
AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld
1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the
Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3,
The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous
Look also at:
Download SCUMM from the link above.
Unzip and copy the directory to the WinCE Net tablet.
Scumm je program, ktorý umožní spustiť niektoré klasické hry na WinCE Net.
Pre bližšie informácie a pre stiahnutie hier pozrite tieto linky:
Pre WinCe Net 6.0 môžete stianuť Scumm z tohoto linku:
Download SCUMM
Stiahnite, rozzipujte a nakopírujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
SCUMM for WinCe Net 6.0
Look also the screen shots at:
Scumm is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical
point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files.
The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped
with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were
never designed!
ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such
as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's
AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld
1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the
Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3,
The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous
Look also at:
Download SCUMM from the link above.
Unzip and copy the directory to the WinCE Net tablet.
HandWritig Notes pre WinCe Net 6.0 - HandWritig Notes for WinCe Net 6.0
HandWritig Notes pre WinCe Net 6.0
Jednoduché a rýchle poznámky písané ako na papier.
Poznámky sa dajú ukladať a otvárať.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte a exe súbor nakopírujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Download PictIt
HandWritig Notes for WinCe Net 6.0
You can simple and quick create the handwriting notes by this app.
Download the zip file from the download link above unzip and copy exe file to your WinCe Net Tablet.
Jednoduché a rýchle poznámky písané ako na papier.
Poznámky sa dajú ukladať a otvárať.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte a exe súbor nakopírujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Download PictIt
HandWritig Notes for WinCe Net 6.0
You can simple and quick create the handwriting notes by this app.
Download the zip file from the download link above unzip and copy exe file to your WinCe Net Tablet.
Toshiba JournE Touch plný prístup - Toshiba JournE Touch full access
Programy pre plný prístup
Pre plné využitie tabletu Toshiba JournE Touch sú potrebné dva základné programy:
A. Developer Tool - umožňuje spúšťať a inštalovať programy.
B. UI Manager - umožňuje premiestňovať ikony na ploche a umožňuje ich mazať z plochy tabletu.
UI manager je už v tablete nainštalovaný.
Developer Tool treba do tabletu nainštalovať.
Developer Tool
Inštalácia programu "Developer Tool":
Tablet musí mať aktívne pripojenie na internet a musíte byť zaregistrovaný.
1.Kliknite na ikonu "Toshiba VirtualStore"
2.Objaví sa obrazovka "Toshiba VirtualStore" - kliknite na "Downloads" a cez
ikonu "Tools" nainštalujte developer tool kliknutím na ikonu "Developer Tool".
3. Po inštalácii pribudne na ploche ikona "Developer Tool".
Kliknutím na ikonu "Developer Tool" sa dostanete na disk tabletu
a môžete spúšťať alebo inštalovať iné programy.
1. Spustenie programu.
Cez utilitu Developer Tool sa preklikáte do príslušného adresára a nájdete
príslušný exe súbor. Kliknete na jeho ikonu a v hornej lište vľavo kliknete
na ikonu dvoch ozubených koliečok.
2. Inštalácia programu
Cez Developer Tool sa dá inštalovať len špeciálne pripravený adresár.
Adresár musí byť nazvaný rovnako ako je nazvaný exe súbor programu. V tomto
adresáry musí byť exe súbor programu a iné potrebné súbory a podadresár
"ICONS". V podadresáry "ICONS" musia byť ikony, ktoré sa neskôr objavia na
ploche tabletu.
Pomocou Developer Tool sa treba preklikať do príslušného adresára s exe
súborom a v hornej lište vľavo sa klikne na ikonu balíka so zelenou šípkou.
Prebehne inštalácia a na ploche tabletu sa objaví ikona programu.
UI Manager
Umožňuje dve základné funkcie:
- môžete presúvať ikony navzájom
- môžete ikonu presunúť dokoša a tým vymazať z plochy tabletu.
Vlastný program môžete vymazať len manuálne priamo z príslušného disku
Na manuálne mazanie alebo na plný prístup na disk môžete použiť Total
Total Commander a aj iTask Manager (umožňuje monitorovať a zatvárať spustené
programy) sú súčasťou programu UIJS Manager, ktorý môžete stiahnuť z
nasledujúceho linku.
Download UIJS Manager
Apps for full access
You need two basic apps for full access to the Toshiba JournE Tablet.
A. Developer Tool - you can start and instal apps.
B. UI Manager - you can move icons on the tablet desktop and you can delete
the icons from the tablet desktop.
UI manager is already on the tablet desktop.
Developer Tool you need instal to the tablet.
Developer Tool
Instalation of the "Developer Tool"
You have to be conneted to the NET and you have to be registered.
1.Click on the icon "Toshiba VirtualStore"
2.Click on "Downloads" in the "Toshiba VirtualStore" then click on
"Downloads" and by icon "Tools" instal developer tool by click on the icon
"Developer Tool".
3. The icon "Developer Tool" will be on the desktop after instalation.
When you click on the "Developer Tool" icon you will have access to the disk
of the Toshiba tablet and you can start and instal apps.
1. How to start app.
By Developer Tool you need to find the exe file of the app in the relevant
directory. Click on the app icon and click on the Gear icon on the left top

2. How to instal app.
You can instal only special prepared directory.
The name of the directory have to be same as the name of the exe file of the
app. The exe file of the app and another files must be included in this
directory. The Icons of the app must be in the "ICON" subdirectory.
By Developer Tool you must go to the directory where is the exe file of the
app then clickon the Packet icon on the left top corner.The app will be
instaled and the icon of the app will appear on the desktop of the tablet.

UI Manager
You can do two basic functions by UI managere:
- you can move the icons
- you can put the icon in the bin and delete the icon from the desktop
You can delete the app with the files only manually from the tablet.
You can use the Total Commander for full access to the tablet.
Total Commander and iTask Manager (you can monitor and stop apps) are
included in the UIJS Manager.
You can download UIJS Manager from this link .
Download UIJS Manager
Pre plné využitie tabletu Toshiba JournE Touch sú potrebné dva základné programy:
A. Developer Tool - umožňuje spúšťať a inštalovať programy.
B. UI Manager - umožňuje premiestňovať ikony na ploche a umožňuje ich mazať z plochy tabletu.
UI manager je už v tablete nainštalovaný.
Developer Tool treba do tabletu nainštalovať.
Developer Tool
Inštalácia programu "Developer Tool":
Tablet musí mať aktívne pripojenie na internet a musíte byť zaregistrovaný.
1.Kliknite na ikonu "Toshiba VirtualStore"
2.Objaví sa obrazovka "Toshiba VirtualStore" - kliknite na "Downloads" a cez
ikonu "Tools" nainštalujte developer tool kliknutím na ikonu "Developer Tool".
3. Po inštalácii pribudne na ploche ikona "Developer Tool".
Kliknutím na ikonu "Developer Tool" sa dostanete na disk tabletu
a môžete spúšťať alebo inštalovať iné programy.
1. Spustenie programu.
Cez utilitu Developer Tool sa preklikáte do príslušného adresára a nájdete
príslušný exe súbor. Kliknete na jeho ikonu a v hornej lište vľavo kliknete
na ikonu dvoch ozubených koliečok.
2. Inštalácia programu
Cez Developer Tool sa dá inštalovať len špeciálne pripravený adresár.
Adresár musí byť nazvaný rovnako ako je nazvaný exe súbor programu. V tomto
adresáry musí byť exe súbor programu a iné potrebné súbory a podadresár
"ICONS". V podadresáry "ICONS" musia byť ikony, ktoré sa neskôr objavia na
ploche tabletu.
Pomocou Developer Tool sa treba preklikať do príslušného adresára s exe
súborom a v hornej lište vľavo sa klikne na ikonu balíka so zelenou šípkou.
Prebehne inštalácia a na ploche tabletu sa objaví ikona programu.
UI Manager
Umožňuje dve základné funkcie:
- môžete presúvať ikony navzájom
- môžete ikonu presunúť dokoša a tým vymazať z plochy tabletu.
Vlastný program môžete vymazať len manuálne priamo z príslušného disku
Na manuálne mazanie alebo na plný prístup na disk môžete použiť Total
Total Commander a aj iTask Manager (umožňuje monitorovať a zatvárať spustené
programy) sú súčasťou programu UIJS Manager, ktorý môžete stiahnuť z
nasledujúceho linku.
Download UIJS Manager
Apps for full access
You need two basic apps for full access to the Toshiba JournE Tablet.
A. Developer Tool - you can start and instal apps.
B. UI Manager - you can move icons on the tablet desktop and you can delete
the icons from the tablet desktop.
UI manager is already on the tablet desktop.
Developer Tool you need instal to the tablet.
Developer Tool
Instalation of the "Developer Tool"
You have to be conneted to the NET and you have to be registered.
1.Click on the icon "Toshiba VirtualStore"
2.Click on "Downloads" in the "Toshiba VirtualStore" then click on
"Downloads" and by icon "Tools" instal developer tool by click on the icon
"Developer Tool".
3. The icon "Developer Tool" will be on the desktop after instalation.
When you click on the "Developer Tool" icon you will have access to the disk
of the Toshiba tablet and you can start and instal apps.
1. How to start app.
By Developer Tool you need to find the exe file of the app in the relevant
directory. Click on the app icon and click on the Gear icon on the left top
2. How to instal app.
You can instal only special prepared directory.
The name of the directory have to be same as the name of the exe file of the
app. The exe file of the app and another files must be included in this
directory. The Icons of the app must be in the "ICON" subdirectory.
By Developer Tool you must go to the directory where is the exe file of the
app then clickon the Packet icon on the left top corner.The app will be
instaled and the icon of the app will appear on the desktop of the tablet.
UI Manager
You can do two basic functions by UI managere:
- you can move the icons
- you can put the icon in the bin and delete the icon from the desktop
You can delete the app with the files only manually from the tablet.
You can use the Total Commander for full access to the tablet.
Total Commander and iTask Manager (you can monitor and stop apps) are
included in the UIJS Manager.
You can download UIJS Manager from this link .
Download UIJS Manager
streda 20. apríla 2011
Toshiba Journ.e Touch WinCe Net 6.0
Toshiba Journ.e Touch
Tablet má nainštalovaný WinCe Net 6.0 a tieto základné parametre:
17.8 cm / 7" touchscreen display (16.9)
800x480 resolution
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/ g (built-in)
A type USB 1.1(host)
Mini-B USB 2.0 (Client support)
2200 mAh Li-polymer battery
2GB Nand Flash
SDHC card slot (up to 32GB)
ARM11 - 533 MHz
189 x 133 x 14 mm
427 g
Pozri tiež:
Všetky programy tohoto blogu sa dajú spustiť aj na tablete Toshiba Journ.e Touch.
Musíte sa najskôr zaregistrovať a cez Toshiba Virtual Store stiahnut z Tools - Developer Tool.
Cez Developer Tool nainštalujte tento súborový manažer:
Download Toshiba File Manager
a máte plný prístup na disk Toshiba JournE Touch.
Toshiba Journ.e Touch wits WinCe Net 6.0
Main Features :
17.8 cm / 7" touchscreen display (16.9)
800x480 resolution
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/ g (built-in)
A type USB 1.1(host)
Mini-B USB 2.0 (Client support)
2200 mAh Li-polymer battery
2GB Nand Flash
SDHC card slot (up to 32GB)
ARM11 - 533 MHz
189 x 133 x 14 mm
427 g
Look at:
You can install All programs from this blog to Toshiba tablet.
You have to register to Toshiba Virtual Store and download Developer Tool from - Tools folder .
Download the File Manager from the link above.
Unzip to the USB Key and instal from USB Key by Developer Tool to your Toshiba Tablet.
And you have full access to your tablet.
Tablet má nainštalovaný WinCe Net 6.0 a tieto základné parametre:
17.8 cm / 7" touchscreen display (16.9)
800x480 resolution
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/ g (built-in)
A type USB 1.1(host)
Mini-B USB 2.0 (Client support)
2200 mAh Li-polymer battery
2GB Nand Flash
SDHC card slot (up to 32GB)
ARM11 - 533 MHz
189 x 133 x 14 mm
427 g
Pozri tiež:
Všetky programy tohoto blogu sa dajú spustiť aj na tablete Toshiba Journ.e Touch.
Musíte sa najskôr zaregistrovať a cez Toshiba Virtual Store stiahnut z Tools - Developer Tool.
Cez Developer Tool nainštalujte tento súborový manažer:
Download Toshiba File Manager
a máte plný prístup na disk Toshiba JournE Touch.
Toshiba Journ.e Touch wits WinCe Net 6.0
Main Features :
17.8 cm / 7" touchscreen display (16.9)
800x480 resolution
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/ g (built-in)
A type USB 1.1(host)
Mini-B USB 2.0 (Client support)
2200 mAh Li-polymer battery
2GB Nand Flash
SDHC card slot (up to 32GB)
ARM11 - 533 MHz
189 x 133 x 14 mm
427 g
Look at:
You can install All programs from this blog to Toshiba tablet.
You have to register to Toshiba Virtual Store and download Developer Tool from - Tools folder .
Download the File Manager from the link above.
Unzip to the USB Key and instal from USB Key by Developer Tool to your Toshiba Tablet.
And you have full access to your tablet.
Programový manažér pre WinCE NET 6.0 - Program manager for WinCE NET 6.0
Programový manažér pre WinCE NET 6.0
Ak by ste chceli použiť rýchle, prehľadné a jednoduché spúšťanie programov pre WinCe Net,
skúste UIJS programový manažér.
Download UIJS
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCE Net tabletu.
Program spustíte cez UIJS.exe.
Program manager for WinCE NET 6.0
Sometimes you would like to have simple no icon program manager.
Try this one. Download zip file, unzip and copy the UIJS directory to your WinCe Net device.
Start by UIJS.exe.
You can find the EXE files by "Open" button.
Add the EXE file by "Add" button to one of six folds.
Save the new state by the "Save" button.
You can move programs in the browser by "A" and "V" button.
You can rename program in the browser (no in the disk) by the "Rename"button.
You can remove program from the browser (no from disk)by the "Remove" button.
You can start program in browser by " > " button.
You can use Total Commander by "TC" button.
You can use iTask manager by "iTask" button.
Ak by ste chceli použiť rýchle, prehľadné a jednoduché spúšťanie programov pre WinCe Net,
skúste UIJS programový manažér.
Download UIJS
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCE Net tabletu.
Program spustíte cez UIJS.exe.
Program manager for WinCE NET 6.0
Sometimes you would like to have simple no icon program manager.
Try this one. Download zip file, unzip and copy the UIJS directory to your WinCe Net device.
Start by UIJS.exe.
You can find the EXE files by "Open" button.
Add the EXE file by "Add" button to one of six folds.
Save the new state by the "Save" button.
You can move programs in the browser by "A" and "V" button.
You can rename program in the browser (no in the disk) by the "Rename"button.
You can remove program from the browser (no from disk)by the "Remove" button.
You can start program in browser by " > " button.
You can use Total Commander by "TC" button.
You can use iTask manager by "iTask" button.
utorok 19. apríla 2011
Stromy na WinCe Net 6.0 - Trees for WinCe Net 6.0
Stromy na WinCe Net 6.0
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Download TreesCE
Spustite cez exe subor.
Trees for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted to the WinCE Net 6.0.
Download the zip file from above, unzip and copy to your WinCe Net device.
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the trees are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of Tree.
Then click on the listbox of the trees.
Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life" button.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Download TreesCE
Spustite cez exe subor.
Trees for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted to the WinCE Net 6.0.
Download the zip file from above, unzip and copy to your WinCe Net device.
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the trees are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of Tree.
Then click on the listbox of the trees.
Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life" button.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
sobota 16. apríla 2011
Hry add4 na WinCe Net 6.0 - Games add4 for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
Hry add4 na WinCe Net 6.0
Niekolko hier na WinCe Net tablete stiahnete na linku:
Games4 Download
Rozzipujte a a nakopirujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Games add4 for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
Here are some games for the WinCe Net 6.0 tablet. Download them from the link above.
Unzip and copy two directories and one file to your WinCe NET device.
Start by exe files.
Niekolko hier na WinCe Net tablete stiahnete na linku:
Games4 Download
Rozzipujte a a nakopirujte do WinCe Net tabletu.
Games add4 for WinCe Net 6.0 tablet
Here are some games for the WinCe Net 6.0 tablet. Download them from the link above.
Unzip and copy two directories and one file to your WinCe NET device.
Start by exe files.
piatok 15. apríla 2011
Periodická Tabulka pre WinCe Net 6.0 - Periodic Table for WinCe Net 6.0
Periodická Tabulka pre WinCe Net 6.0
Periodickú tabulku stiahnete z linku:
Periodic Table Download
Rozbalte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Periodic Table for WinCe Net 6.0
Download from the link above.
UnZip and copy the directory to your WinCe Net 6.0 device.
Start program by PerTabCE.exe
Periodickú tabulku stiahnete z linku:
Periodic Table Download
Rozbalte a adresár nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
Periodic Table for WinCe Net 6.0
Download from the link above.
UnZip and copy the directory to your WinCe Net 6.0 device.
Start program by PerTabCE.exe
nedeľa 10. apríla 2011
Vtáci na WinCe Net 6.0 - BirdsCE for WinCe Net 6.0.
Vtáci na WinCe Net 6.0.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Je možný preklad súborov a textov.
Buď priamo v jednotlivých súboroch alebo
cez DictCE (do clipboardu a DictCe) - viď nižšie v tomto blogu.
Download BirdsCE
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
BirdsCE for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted for the WinCE Net 6.0. Download the zip file, unzip and copy to your WinCe Net device.
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the birds are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file, *.wav - sound of the bird). You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file. You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
Habitats - Urban(2), Woodland(4), Farmland(3), Heatland(6), Upland(13), Wetland(7), Coastal(12).
Groups . Sea Birds(11), Water Birds(8), Birds of Pray (5), Grouse (14), Waders (15), Owls (16), WoodPeckers (17), Pipits (18), Thrushes (19), Warblers (20), Tits (21), Crows (22), Finches (23), Buntings (24).
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Bird.
Then click on the listbox of the birds. Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life", "Sound" button.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
Poket program prispôsobený pre WinCe Net 6.0.
Je možný preklad súborov a textov.
Buď priamo v jednotlivých súboroch alebo
cez DictCE (do clipboardu a DictCe) - viď nižšie v tomto blogu.
Download BirdsCE
Stiahnite zip súbor, rozzipujte na stolnom počítači a nakopírujte do WinCe Net 6.0 tabletu.
BirdsCE for WinCe Net 6.0
It is pocket software adapted for the WinCE Net 6.0. Download the zip file, unzip and copy to your WinCe Net device.
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the birds are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - picture, *ph.jpg - photo, *p.jpg - signs, *m.jpg - life, *.txx - txt file, *.wav - sound of the bird). You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file. You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
Habitats - Urban(2), Woodland(4), Farmland(3), Heatland(6), Upland(13), Wetland(7), Coastal(12).
Groups . Sea Birds(11), Water Birds(8), Birds of Pray (5), Grouse (14), Waders (15), Owls (16), WoodPeckers (17), Pipits (18), Thrushes (19), Warblers (20), Tits (21), Crows (22), Finches (23), Buntings (24).
You can translate the words in the Index Files.
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After open the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Bird.
Then click on the listbox of the birds. Click on the "Picture", "Photo", Signs", "Life", "Sound" button.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can use the clipboard for the notes text.
sobota 9. apríla 2011
Morzeovka na WinCe Net 6.0 - Morse Codes on WinCe Net 6.0
Morzeovka na WinCe Net 6.0
Program na tvorbu kódu morzeovky stiahnete z linku:
Download Morse Code
Stiahnite z linku a nakopírujte do WinCE Net 6.0 tabletu.
Morse Codes on WinCe Net 6.0
Do you know Morse Codes ?
Download from the link above and copy to your WinCE Net 6.0 tablet.
Program na tvorbu kódu morzeovky stiahnete z linku:
Download Morse Code
Stiahnite z linku a nakopírujte do WinCE Net 6.0 tabletu.
Morse Codes on WinCe Net 6.0
Do you know Morse Codes ?
Download from the link above and copy to your WinCE Net 6.0 tablet.
piatok 8. apríla 2011
Fázy mesiaca na WinCe Net 6.0 - Moon Phase on WinCe Net 6.0 Deluxe Moon
Fázy mesiaca na WinCe Net 6.0 Deluxe Moon
Program Deluxe Moon ukazuje potrebné údaje o fázach mesiaca.
Podporuje aj funkciu lunárneho kalendára. Pracuje aj s informáciami GPS.
Pomocou šípok sa pohybuje po dňoch ...
Displej tabletu je treba nastaviť nastojato.
Download Moon Phase
Stiahnite z linku a nainštalujte do tabletu.
Moon Phase on WinCe Net 6.0 Deluxe Moon
Download from the link above and install to your WinCE Net 6.0 tablet.
It is good to set the display of the tablet to the portrait mode.
Program Deluxe Moon ukazuje potrebné údaje o fázach mesiaca.
Podporuje aj funkciu lunárneho kalendára. Pracuje aj s informáciami GPS.
Pomocou šípok sa pohybuje po dňoch ...
Displej tabletu je treba nastaviť nastojato.
Download Moon Phase
Stiahnite z linku a nainštalujte do tabletu.
Moon Phase on WinCe Net 6.0 Deluxe Moon
Download from the link above and install to your WinCE Net 6.0 tablet.
It is good to set the display of the tablet to the portrait mode.
ArcPad pre tablet WinCe Net 6.0 - ArcPad on WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
ArcPad pre tablet WinCe Net 6.0
GIS program v ktorom sa dajú prehliadať a tvoriť vektorové a rastrové
Je možné použiť aj GPS integrovanú vo WinCE Net tablete.
Výpočet plôch polygónov a dĺžok čiar a mnohé iné funkcie.
Download ArcPad free
Stiahnite z linku a nainštalujte podľa pokynov.
ArcPad on WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
GIS software. You can view and create your vector and raster maps.
You can use GPS of the WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
You can calculate the area of the polygons and the length of the lines and
much more.
Download from the link above and install to your WinCe Net 6.0 device.
GIS program v ktorom sa dajú prehliadať a tvoriť vektorové a rastrové
Je možné použiť aj GPS integrovanú vo WinCE Net tablete.
Výpočet plôch polygónov a dĺžok čiar a mnohé iné funkcie.
Download ArcPad free
Stiahnite z linku a nainštalujte podľa pokynov.
ArcPad on WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
GIS software. You can view and create your vector and raster maps.
You can use GPS of the WinCe Net 6.0 tablet.
You can calculate the area of the polygons and the length of the lines and
much more.
Download from the link above and install to your WinCe Net 6.0 device.
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