nedeľa 10. novembra 2013

Birds for Acer Iconia W3-810

 Atlas of the Birds for Acer Iconia W3-810 .
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.

Download BirdsPC

pasword:  jans

Look also the video here:

Video Birds

There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file. You start program by the exe file.

The files of the birds are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file, *.wav - S - sound of the bird).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.

The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .

The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .

Habitats - Urban(2), Woodland(4), Farmland(3), Heatland(6), Upland(13), Wetland(7), Coastal(12).

Groups . Sea Birds(11), Water Birds(8), Birds of Pray (5), Grouse (14), Waders (15), Owls (16), WoodPeckers (17), Pipits (18), Thrushes (19),

Warblers (20), Tits (21), Crows (22), Finches (23), Buntings (24).
You can translate the words in the Index Files.

After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Bird. Then click on the listbox of the birds.
Click on the "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "S" button.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.

Atlas Vtáci pre Acer Iconia W3-810 

Program môžete ho stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar BirdsPC.
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.


piatok 1. novembra 2013

Different Picture Game Acer Iconia W3-810

Classic game tested on Windows 8 and Windows 7.

You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.

Download DifPic

pasword:  jans

Unzip and copy the directory to your Tablet.
Start by DifPic.exe, choose the picture in the left bottom
listbox and click on the "Go" button.
The game is now starting.
There is 10 differencies.
Click on the Right picture on the different parts of the picture.

You can also create your own pictures.
Look at the ITEMS subdirectory where are three basic files:
*T.jpg - left game picture
*F.jpg - right game picture
*.txx - pixel coordinates of the differencies on the *F.jpg
Prepare your own jpg pictures (max 390x400 pixels). Copy them to
the ITEMS subdirectory.
Prepare your own txx file (10 left top coordinates of the
differencie). Box is 40x40 pixels.
Copy the txx file to the ITEMS subdirectory.
You can use XnView or IrfanView for preparing *.txx file.

Rôzne obrázky Hra pre WinCE Net 6.0

Jednoduchá hra testovaná na Windows 8 a Windows 7.
Stiahnite z vyššieho linku. Rozzipujte a adresár nakopírujte do
Spustite cez DifPic.exe, vyberte obrázok v ľavom dolnom listboxe
a kliknite na "GO".
Hra sa začína. Klikajte na pravý obrázok v mieste rozdielov a
hľadajte 10 rozdielnych miest.

Pre hru si môžete vytvárať aj vlastné obrázky.
Pozrite do podadresára ITEMS, kde sú tri základné súbory:
*T.jpg - ľavý obrázok
*F.jpg - pravý obrázok
*.txx - súradnice, v pixeloch, ľavého horného rohu odlišnosti
*F.jpg obrázka.
Pripravte vlastné obrázky jpg (max 390x400 pixels) a nakopírujte
ich do ITEMS subdirectory.
Pripravte vlastný txx súbor (10 súradníc x,y ľavého horného rohu
odlišnosti). Štvorec je 40x40 pixelov.
Copy the txx file to the ITEMS subdirectory.
You can use XnView or IrfanView for preparing *.txx file.
