Butterflies for Acer Iconia W3-810
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.
Download ButterfliesPC
pasword: jans
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the nature items are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group.
Then click on the listbox.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.
Atlas Motýlov pre Acer Iconia W3-810
Program môžete stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar .
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.
piatok 31. januára 2014
sobota 25. januára 2014
Flowers for Acer Iconia W3-810
Flowers for Acer Iconia W3-810
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.
Download FlowersPC
pasword: jans
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the Flowers are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Flowers.
Then click on the listbox of the Flowers.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.
Atlas Rastlín pre Acer Iconia W3-810
Program môžete ho stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar FlowersPC.
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.
Download FlowersPC
pasword: jans
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file.
You start program by the exe file.
The files of the Flowers are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Flowers.
Then click on the listbox of the Flowers.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.
Atlas Rastlín pre Acer Iconia W3-810
Program môžete ho stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar FlowersPC.
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.
nedeľa 12. januára 2014
Trees for Acer Iconia W3-810
Trees for Acer Iconia W3-810
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You can download as the freeware from the link below.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.
Download TreesPC
pasword: jans
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file. You start program by the exe file.
The files of the Trees are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Trees. Then click on the listbox of the Trees.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.
Atlas Stromov pre Acer Iconia W3-810
Program môžete stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar TreesPC.
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
You need to have instaled Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.
Unzip and start by exe file. You do not need instal.
Download TreesPC
pasword: jans
There are three directories - LISTS , ITEMS and NOTES and one exe file. You start program by the exe file.
The files of the Trees are in the ITEMS directory
(*.jpg - P1, *ph.jpg - P2, *p.jpg - P3, *m.jpg - P4, *.txx - txt file).
You can change them but you have to no change the number prefix of the file.
You can translate the *txx files.
The files of the Habitats and Groups files are in the LISTS directory .
The files of the Notes are in the NOTES directory .
After start the program you have to choose the Habitat or Group of the Trees. Then click on the listbox of the Trees.
You can move the picture by the pen.
You can edit and save the notes.
You can zoom the pictures by "O" button.
Atlas Stromov pre Acer Iconia W3-810
Program môžete stiahnuť ako freeware z vyššieho linku.
Stačí rozbaliť na disk a vytvori sa adresar TreesPC.
Musí byť nainštalovaný Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
Na Windows 8 tablete Acer Iconia W3-810 môže byť už nainštalovaný.
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