piatok 22. decembra 2017

World map for Android MAPSGO

World map for Android MAPSGO .

Package download  HERE .

Unpack and

 -  world_2_5.zip   copy to the android device in the osmdroid folder,
 -  C_Eur1.txt   copy to the android device in the GPStxt folder,
 -  Slovakia.pol, Czech.pol, Poland.pol  copy to the android device in the GPStxt folder,
 -  Cities.poi  copy to the android device in the GPStxt folder.

  And open with  MAPSGO  for Android.
  Zoom is 2 - 5 .

Or create *.pol file with text labels by the SHPtoMAPSGO for PC.

 -  Countries.dbf,  Countries.shp, Countries.shx copy to the PC to some folder,
 -  Cities.dbf,  Cities.shp, Cities.shx copy to the PC to some folder,
 -  World.bmp,   World.bpw  copy to the PC to some folder.

  And open with SHPtoMAPSGO for PC.

-  Create your own vector *.pol layers with SHPtoMAPSGO for PC.
-  Create your own vector *.lin layers with SHPtoMAPSGO for PC.
-  Create your own vector *.poi layers with SHPtoMAPSGO for PC.

-  Create your own points *.txt  with MAPSGO for Android.


piatok 8. decembra 2017

Maperitive - create raster maps for the MAPSGO

Create your own raster maps for MAPSGO with Maperitive.

You can render your own maps from web maps.
You can change the script for to render the map - this is fine for to set your own road font size ...
Change the script in the folder ":\Maperitive\Rules".

It is possible to create mbtiles or zip map format for MAPSGO with Maperitive.

Download Maperitive HERE . Unzip the file, and run Maperitive.exe.

MBTILES map file for MAPSGO:

1. Zoom to the area of your choice. Add web map.

2. Set Geometry Bounds for your area.

3. Zoom-out with the mouse wheel to see the selected area. You can modify the rectangle.

4. Download OSM data for selected area. Wait until the OSM data will be downloaded from the server.

5. Enter to the Command promt on the bottom of the page :  generate-mbtiles minzoom=12 maxzoom=17  (or your own zoom) and press Enter key.
   Wait until the red "RUNNINGA TASK ... PRESS ESC TO ABORD" will disappear and "DONE" will be in the bottom Commander window.

6. The file map.mbtiles has been created in the folder ":\Maperitive\Tiles".  Rename the file to somename.mbtiles and copy the file to the Android device in the osmdroid folder.
Open it with MAPSGO .

ZIP map file for MAPSGO:

Use the steps 1 - 4 above.

5. Enter to the Command promt on the bottom of the page :  generate-tiles minzoom=12 maxzoom=17  (or your own zoom).
   Wait until the red "RUNNINGA TASK ... PRESS ESC TO ABORD" wanish and "DONE" will be in the bottom Commander window.

6. The folders 12-17 (or your own) have been created in the folder ":\Maperitive\Tiles".

7. Create the empty folder Mapnik , move the folders 12-17 to the Mapnik folder.

8.Create the zip file from Mapnik folder. You can choose any name of the zip file. Copy the zip map file to the Android device in the osmdroid folder.
Open it with MAPSGO .

Vytvorte vlastné rastrové mapy pre  MAPSGO pomocou Maperitive.

Pomocou Maperitive môžete vytvoriť vlastné rastrové mapy pre MAPSGO (mbtiles alebo zip).
Výhodou oproti MOBAC-u je:
* použitie vlastného zoomu, ktorý MOBAC neposkytne.
* jednoduchšia tvorba zip map súboru pre MAPSGO ako v MOBACu.
* môžete upraviť skript, ktorý tvorí mapu (použitie vlastnej velkosti fontu pre názov ulíc ...) .

Stiahnite Maperitive     TU .    Netreba inštalovať - rozzipujte a spustite  "Maperitive.exe".

MBTILES map súbor pre MAPSGO (viď obrázky vyššie):

1. Zobrazte výber mapy posunom a zoomovaním (View-ZoomIn, ZoomOut). Pridajte príslušný druh mapy (Tools-Add web map).

2. Zadajte ohraničenie výrezu spracovania (Map-Set Geometry Bounds).

3. Použite oddialenie (View-ZoomOut), aby bolo vidno zobrazené ohraničenie výrezu. Upravte rozsah výrezu - potiahnite myšou boky alebo rohy výrezu.

4. Stiahnite zo servera dáta pre zobrazený výrez (Map-Download OSM data).  Čakajte pokial sa dáta nestiahnu.

5. Na spodu programového okna je "Command promt:" - do políčka napíšte:   generate-mbtiles minzoom=12 maxzoom=18     (alebo vlastný zoom).
   Čakajte pokial nezmizne červený nápis "RUNNINGA TASK ... PRESS ESC TO ABORD" a "DONE" sa objaví v okne Commander .

6. Súbor map.mbtiles has sa vytvorí v adresáry  ":\Maperitive\Tiles".
    Premenujte súbor na  VášNázov.mbtiles a nakopírujte súbor do Androidu do adresára osmdroid .

ZIP map súbor pre MAPSGO  (viď obrázky vyššie): 

1. Urobte kroky 1 - 4 popísané vyššie.

2. Na spodu programového okna je "Command promt:" - do políčka napíšte:   generate-tiles minzoom=12 maxzoom=18    (alebo vlastný zoom).
   Čakajte pokial nezmizne červený nápis "RUNNINGA TASK ... PRESS ESC TO ABORD" a "DONE" sa objaví v okne Commander . 

3. Adresáre 12-18  (alebo s Vašim zoomom) sa vytvoria v adresry ":\Maperitive\Tiles".

4. Založte prázdny adresár Mapnik , presunte do neho adresáre 12-18. Vytvorte zip súbor z adresára Mapnik.   Názov zip súboru je lubovolný. Nakopírujte zip súbor do Androidu do adresára osmdroid .
