piatok 12. októbra 2018

TP360BL - android app for mapping with TruPulse rangefinder

TP360BL - android app for mapping with TruPulse rangefinder.

The TruPulse 360B model measures distance, azimuth and inclination.
It has got Bluetooth capabilities for wireless data collection.
Integrates with GPS for efficient GIS data capture.
Provides full measurement capability for mapping.

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TP360BL - android app.

Download  APK:       HERE 

Privacy policy.
"TP360BL" APP uses the GPS only for mapping purpose.
This APP do not send the coordinates to another persons nor devices.

1) Measure horizontal distance (m) and azimut ( 0°-360°) with TruPulse 360b.
2) Transfer data to Android device by Bluetooth.
3) Find out coordinates (WGS84) of the measurment post with Android device and save data as txt and gpx file. Datas are prepared for GIS mapping.

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Tap on the label "TP360B-028552" (1) and write your own TruPulse identification in text box.
Tap again on the label for saving your own TruPulse identification.
You can find TruPulse identification in Android device in Bluetooth settings.
Passkey = 1111
Power ON TruPulse device.
The mode has to be as "SD" mode in TruPulse.
Bluetooth has to be set ON in TruPulse.
Distance measure has to be "meters" in TruPulse.
Tap on "Connect" button (2) and wait for "Status: connected" (3) .
TruPulse will be connected (3) with Android device and GPS (4) in Android device.
It starts working (5) after connection.
Select a target such as a tree .
Look through the eyepiece of TruPulse and use the crosshair to aim to the target.
Press-and-hold the fire button on TruPulse to find out the distance and azimut.
Distance and azimut will are transfered to the Android device (6).
Long tap on the row (6) to delete record.
You can gather 5 points in TP360BL lite version.
Save (8) records with coordinates (WGS84) as txt and gpx file.
You can write your own file name (7) or date file name wil be created (if textbox is blanc).
You can edit (10) the prefix name of the saved points (x ...).
Coordinates of the measurment post, point distance and azimut are saved as txt and gpx file in "TruPulse" folder in the Internal (shared) storage (no micro SD card).
"TruPulse" folder is created when the app is started first time.
Some Android devices have problem to open this folder from desktop PC after connection by USB cable.
Problem solution can be to rename the folder to "TruPulsen" and after that rename it again to "TruPulse" directly in the Android device.

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Bluetooth has to be set ON in TruPulse.

The mode has to be as "SD" mode in TruPulse.
Distance measure has to be "meters" in TruPulse.

You can find TruPulse identification in Android device in Bluetooth settings.
Passkey = 1111

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"Location" has to be "Set On"  (Settings - Location - On).
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Merge gpx files.

You can use GPX Editor or  EasyGPS or G7ToWin to merge GPX files.

Download GPX Editor   HERE  .

Download EasyGPS   HERE  .

Download G7ToWin  HERE  .


You can use "gpx2shp" to convert gpx file to shp files (WGS84).

Download "gpx2shp"  HERE .

You need to download the file  gpx2shp-0.69_win_notest.zip.   Unzip it.
To use the program, you just drag and drop the GPX file on the gpx2shp.exe (executable file).
The output is called [gpxfilename]_wpt.shp (.shx, .dbf, and so on) if the GPX file contains points.
Or use Command Prompt Commands (cmd) .
