Data Import and export .
GPX file from MAPSGO to Google Earth Pro.
GPX súbor z MAPSGO do Google Earth Pro.
Move GPX file with mouse to the Google Earth Pro.
GPX file is in the Google Earth Pro as waypoints.
Look at video : VideoHERE
Create waypoints in the Google Earth Pro and export them.
Vytvorenie waypointov v Google Earth Pro a ich export.
Add - Mark.
Move the Mark to the right place and add the Name.
Place the Marks.
Save waypoints as.
Save waypoints as Kml.
Kml file convert by "GPX2KML.exe" to the GPX file.
"GPX2KML.exe" download here: DownloadGPX2KML
You can convert GPX-KML and KML-GPX with "GPX2KML.exe".
Look at video : VideoHERE
Shp to the Google Earth Pro.
Import Shp do Google Earth Pro.
File - Import (shp)
Import All.
Style template - No (Yes).
Set Style template.
Set colors, background, width of line.
Click the polygon to display data.
Look at video : VideoHERE
More about to import data look here: TapHere