streda 17. januára 2018

Online GPX Editor and MAPSGO

GPX Editor and MAPSGO

Online GPX editor.
It is possible to share gpx waypoints between GPX Editor and MAPSGO (MAPSGO and GPX Editor).

Start Wpoint Editor   HERE .


Start GPX Editor  HERE .

From GPX Editor to MAPSGO.

 Choose Map or Satelite.

Right mouse click on the map - and choose Waypoints - Add waypoint.

Edit the name of the waypoint.

Save gpx file on the disk of the computer.

Transfer gps file to the Android device in the "GPStxt" folder.
Open MAPSGO and open gpx file.

From MAPSGO to GPX Editor.

Create waypoints in the MAPSGO and save as gpx file (will be in the "GPStxt" folder).
Transfer gpx file from Android device to the Desktop computer.

Load the gpx file to the GPX Editor.




Online GPX editor.

GPX waypointy je možné zdielať medzi GPX Editorom a MAPSGO (MAPSGO a GPX Editorom).

Vyššie je popísaný postup : Z  GPX Editora do MAPSGO  z MAPSGO  do GPX Editora.

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